1 distrarre
distract( divertire) entertain* * *distrarre v.tr.1 ( distogliere) to distract, to divert: la minima cosa lo distrae, the slightest thing distracts his attention; la vacanza l'aveva distratto dalle sue preoccupazioni, the holiday had taken his mind off his worries; distrarre l'attenzione di qlcu. da qlco., to take s.o.'s attention (o mind) off sthg.; questo continuo ronzio mi distrae, this continuous buzzing distracts me; distrarre qlcu. dal lavoro, to take s.o.'s mind off his work; non mi distrarre in continuazione, stop continually distracting me2 ( divertire) to entertain, to amuse: cerca di distrarre i bambini con qualche gioco, try to amuse the children with some game or other; la padrona di casa distraeva i suoi ospiti con storielle divertenti, the hostess was entertaining her guests with amusing anecdotes3 ( sottrarre e destinare a uso indebito) to misappropriate (anche dir.): fu riconosciuto colpevole di aver distratto un'ingente somma dalla cassa della ditta, he was found guilty of misappropriating a large sum from company funds◘ distrarsi v.rifl.1 to divert one's mind, to divert one's attention: si distrae facilmente, his mind wanders easily (o his attention is easily distracted); si distrae facilmente quando legge, his attention is easily distracted when he's reading2 ( divertirsi) to amuse oneself, to relax: lavori troppo, hai bisogno di distrarti!, you are working too much, you need to relax.* * *1. [dis'trarre]vb irreg vt(distogliere) to distract, divert, (divertire) to amuse, entertain2. vr (distrarsi)(non fare attenzione) to let one's mind wander, (svagarsi) to take one's mind off things* * *[dis'trarre] 1.verbo transitivo1) (deconcentrare) to distract [ persona] (da from; con with)distrarre l'attenzione di qcn. — to distract o divert sb.'s attention
2) (divertire) to amuse, to distract2.distrarre qcn. da — to take sb.'s mind off [problema, preoccupazione]
verbo pronominale distrarsi1) (deconcentrarsi) to divert one's mind, to divert one's attention2) (divertirsi) to amuse oneself3) (svagarsi)* * *distrarre/dis'trarre/ [95]1 (deconcentrare) to distract [ persona] (da from; con with); distrarre l'attenzione di qcn. to distract o divert sb.'s attention2 (divertire) to amuse, to distract3 (allontanare) distrarre qcn. da to take sb.'s mind off [problema, preoccupazione]II distrarsi verbo pronominale1 (deconcentrarsi) to divert one's mind, to divert one's attention2 (divertirsi) to amuse oneself3 (svagarsi) ho bisogno di distrarmi I need to take my mind off things. -
2 distrarre
1. [dis'trarre]vb irreg vt(distogliere) to distract, divert, (divertire) to amuse, entertain2. vr (distrarsi)(non fare attenzione) to let one's mind wander, (svagarsi) to take one's mind off things -
3 distraer
v.1 to amuse, to entertain.2 to distract.¡no me distraigas, que estoy trabajando! don't distract me, I'm working!El payaso distrajo al chico The clown distracted the boy.3 to be entertaining.la lectura distrae mucho reading is fun4 to abstract, to absorb.La música distrae a María Music abstracts Mary.5 to misappropriate, to alienate, to deviate, to divert.Ella distrajo fondos de la escuela She misappropriated school funds.* * *1 (divertir) to amuse, entertain2 (atención) to distract; (pena, dolor, preocupaciones) to take one's mind off3 eufemístico (dinero) to embezzle1 (divertirse) to amuse oneself, enjoy oneself2 (entretenerse) to relax, pass the time3 (despistarse) to get distracted, be inattentive, be absent-minded* * *verb1) to distract2) entertain* * *1. VT1) (=entretener) to entertain, amusedistrajimos a los niños contándoles cuentos — we kept the children entertained o amused by telling them stories
2) (=despistar) to distract (de from)3) (Econ) [+ dinero, fondos] to embezzle4) [moralmente] to lead astray2.VI (=entretener) [pesca, ejercicio] to be relaxing, take your mind off things; [lectura, espectáculo] to be entertaining, take your mind off things3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivoa) <persona/atención> to distractb) ( entretener) < persona> to keep... amusedc) <fondos/dinero> to embezzle2.distraerse v prona) (despistarse, descuidarse) to get distractedb) ( entretenerse)* * *= distract.Ex. As he began to speak, she exhorted herself to pay close attention, not to let herself be so distracted by the earlier event that her mind would be off in some obscure cavern of her soul.----* distraer la atención = distract + attention.* distraer + Posesivo + atención = divert + Posesivo + attention.* distraerse con otra cosa = sidetrack.* que distrae la atención = distracting.* * *1.verbo transitivoa) <persona/atención> to distractb) ( entretener) < persona> to keep... amusedc) <fondos/dinero> to embezzle2.distraerse v prona) (despistarse, descuidarse) to get distractedb) ( entretenerse)* * *= distract.Ex: As he began to speak, she exhorted herself to pay close attention, not to let herself be so distracted by the earlier event that her mind would be off in some obscure cavern of her soul.
* distraer la atención = distract + attention.* distraer + Posesivo + atención = divert + Posesivo + attention.* distraerse con otra cosa = sidetrack.* que distrae la atención = distracting.* * *vt1 ‹persona/atención› to distractmientras uno lo distraía el otro le robó la llave while one of them distracted him o distracted his attention the other stole his key[ S ] no distraer al conductor do not distract the driver o the driver's attentiondistraer a algn DE algo to distract sb FROM sthla música me distrajo de la lectura I was distracted from my reading by the musicno me distraigas de mi trabajo don't distract me from my worktengo que hacer algo para distraerlo de sus preocupaciones I have to do something to take his mind off his worries2(entretener): la lectura lo distrae en sus ratos de ocio he enjoys reading in his free timelos distraía contándoles cuentos she entertained them o kept them entertained o kept them amused by telling them stories3 ‹fondos/dinero› to embezzle1 (despistarse, descuidarse) to get distractedme distraje un momento y se quemaron las tostadas I got distracted o my mind wandered for a moment and the toast burnedsi no te distraes, terminarás antes if you keep your mind on what you're doing o if you don't let yourself get distracted you'll finish sooner2(entretenerse): necesitas distraerte un poco, estás siempre metida en casa you need to find something to do o you need to get out and enjoy yourself, you're always stuck in the houseno necesita mucho para distraerse, una hoja de papel y un lápiz le bastan she doesn't need much to keep her amused o entertained, she's quite content with a sheet of paper and a pencilse distraen viendo la televisión they while away o pass the time watching television* * *
distraer ( conjugate distraer) verbo transitivo
distraer a algn de algo ‹de trabajo/estudios› to distract sb from sth ‹ de preocupaciones› to take sb's mind off sth
distraerse verbo pronominal
b) ( entretenerse):
se distrae con cualquier cosa she doesn't need much to keep amused
distraer verbo transitivo
1 (entretener) to entertain: la televisión distrae a la abuela, the television keeps Grandmother amused
2 (desviar la atención) to distract
' distraer' also found in these entries:
- entretener
- keep from
- divert
- put
* * *♦ vt1. [divertir] to amuse, to entertain;lo que más me distrae es el bricolaje my favourite pastime is do-it-yourself;les contaba cuentos para distraerlos he told them stories to keep them entertained2. [despistar] to distract;¡no me distraigas, que estoy trabajando! don't distract me, I'm working!;tú lo distraes para que yo pueda entrar you distract his attention so I can get in;algo distrajo su atención something distracted her3. [malversar] to embezzle, to misappropriate♦ vi[entretener] to be entertaining;la lectura distrae mucho reading is fun* * *<part distraído> v/t1 distract2:la radio la distrae she enjoys listening to the radio* * *distraer {81} vt1) : to distract2) entretener: to entertain, to amuse* * *distraer vb1. (despistar) to distract -
4 ablenken
(trennb., hat -ge-)I v/t1. von einer Richtung: divert2. fig. (Gefahr, Verdacht etc.) avert, ward off; den Verdacht von sich ablenken avert suspicion, divert suspicion (away) from o.s.3. fig. von der Arbeit etc.: distract; (zerstreuen) divert; jemandes Aufmerksamkeit von etw. ablenken take s.o.’s attention off s.th.; sich leicht / durch nichts ablenken lassen be easily distracted / be oblivious to all distractions; jemanden von seinen Sorgen etc. ablenken take s.o.’s mind off his ( oder her) worries etc.II v/i1. Fahrzeug: turn (off)2. fig. (zerstreuen) Sache: create a distraction; das lenkt sehr gut ab this offers a perfect distraction4. PHYS. Strahlen etc.: deviate, divergeIII v/refl fig. take one’s mind off things* * *(umleiten) to deflect; to deviate; to turn away;(verwirren) to call away; to sidetrack; to abstract; to distract* * *ạb|len|ken sep1. vt1) (= ab-, wegleiten) to deflect (AUCH PHYS), to turn aside or away; Wellen, Licht to refract; Schlag to parry; Katastrophe to avert2) (= zerstreuen) to distractwir mussten die Kinder ablenken — we had to find something to take the children's minds off things
jdn von seinem Schmerz/seinen Sorgen ablenken — to make sb forget his/her pain/worries, to take sb's mind off his/her pain/worries
jdn von der Arbeit ablenken — to distract sb from his/her work
2. vi1)(= ausweichen)
(vom Thema) ablenken — to change the subject; (bei einem Gespräch auch) to turn the conversation2) (= zerstreuen) to create a distractionsie geht jede Woche Schwimmen, das lenkt ab — she goes swimming every week, which takes her mind off things
3. vrto take one's mind off things* * *1) (to turn aside (from a fixed course or direction): He deflected the blow with his arm.) deflect2) (to draw aside (the mind or attention of): He was constantly being distracted from his work by the noisy conversation of his colleagues.) distract3) (to turn (a person) aside from what he was about to do: I intended to write letters this evening, but was sidetracked into going to the pictures instead.) sidetrack* * *ab|len·kenI. vt1. (zerstreuen)▪ jdn \ablenken to divert [or distract] sbwenn er Sorgen hat, lenkt ihn Gartenarbeit immer ab if he's worried, working in the garden diverts his thoughts2. (abbringen)3. (eine andere Richtung geben)4. PHYSLicht \ablenken to refract lightStrahlen \ablenken to deflect raysII. vi1. (ausweichen)vom Thema \ablenken to change the subject2. (zerstreuen) to take sb's mind off thingsIII. vr* * *1.transitives Verb1) (weglenken) deflectden Verdacht von sich ablenken — (fig.) divert suspicion from oneself
2) auch itr. (abbringen)alles, was ablenkt — everything that is distracting
3) auch itr. (zerstreuen) divert2.intransitives Verb[vom Thema] ablenken — change the subject
* * *ablenken (trennb, hat -ge-)A. v/t1. von einer Richtung: divertden Verdacht von sich ablenken avert suspicion, divert suspicion (away) from o.s.jemandes Aufmerksamkeit von etwas ablenken take sb’s attention off sth;sich leicht/durch nichts ablenken lassen be easily distracted/be oblivious to all distractions;B. v/i1. Fahrzeug: turn (off)2. fig (zerstreuen) Sache: create a distraction;das lenkt sehr gut ab this offers a perfect distraction3. Person: change the subject, digress, sidetrack;lenk nicht ab! don’t change the subject!4. PHYS Strahlen etc: deviate, divergeC. v/r fig take one’s mind off things* * *1.transitives Verb1) (weglenken) deflectden Verdacht von sich ablenken — (fig.) divert suspicion from oneself
2) auch itr. (abbringen)alles, was ablenkt — everything that is distracting
3) auch itr. (zerstreuen) divert2.intransitives Verb[vom Thema] ablenken — change the subject
* * *(Licht) v.to diffract v. v.to deviate v.to distract v.to divert v.to refract v.
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